Jonathans Swift as a Conservative Trimme An Ideological Reading of (明治大学人文科学研究所叢書) [ 中島渉 ]
An Ideological Reading of 明治大学人文科学研究所叢書 中島渉 金星堂ジョナサンズ スウィフト アズ ア コンサヴェーティヴ トリマー ナカジマ,ワタル 発行年月:2020年02月 予約締切日:2020年03月19日 ページ数:168p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784764711969 本文:英文 1 The Archetype of Swift’s Political Thought:A Discourse of the Contests and Dissensions between the Nobles and the Commons in Athens and Rome in the Context of the SeventeenthーCentury Theory of Mixed Government(Swift’s Ideal of the State in A Discourse of the Contests and Dissensions in Athens and Rome/Precursory Nonpartisan Conservatism of Halifax the “Trimmer” ほか)/2 Swift’s Views on Church and State:A Tale of a Tub and His Early Religious Works(Swift’s Animosity against Nonconforming Faith and the AntiーJacobite Tone in A Tale of a Tub/Swift’s Religious Outlook:Pamphlets during the Years around His Party Conversion ほか)/3 Active Nonpartisanship in Swift’s Tory Tracts:The Examiner and The Conduct of the Allies(The Transformation of Tory and Whig Ideologies/Swift’s Views of Party ほか)/4 Swift’s Politics as a WouldーBe Historiographer:His Unpublished Works at the Change of Dynasty and Gulliver’s Travels(The Political and Ideological Significance of Swift’s Unpublished Papers/Swift’s Unchanging Political Creed ほか) 本 小説・エッセイ エッセイ エッセイ 小説・エッセイ 外国の小説